Changing a crossword’s title or author
EclipseCrossword lets you save a title and an author for each of your puzzles, and prints them out along with the puzzle. If you find a typo or change your mind, you can go back and change either or both of them at any time. Start by opening your puzzle in EclipseCrossword.
Once you have your puzzle open, you’ll be at the page where you see a preview of your puzzle. From here, click Back. (Note that EclipseCrossword works a little bit differently from your web browser—you can go back to steps you finished days or weeks ago just by clicking the Back button.) You should see step 5, where you can choose a size for your puzzle. Click Back one more time. You’ll be at step 4, where you can set a name for your puzzle, as well as the author and copyright information. Change this to your liking, and then click Next twice to get back to where you started. Then you can save and print your crossword normally.